Mr.Yoneda’s well-known books are “Horyu-ji was moved and built” 法隆寺は移築された, “Solving the ancient time problem through architecture” 建築から古代を解く, “Talking about Wakoku connecting with Island union” 列島合体から倭国を論ずand “Traitor Iwai is Iwai , a father of its country” 逆賊磐井は国父倭薈だ.

 Needless to say, the first book was epoch-making, but according to the auther he had confidence to prove the existence of “ijaku”(倭尺) in his second book. However, additional reprint of his second book was not well-received by the publisher. Making one wondering if academism’s refusal in printing his work is behind all this.
 “Horyu-ji was moved and built Part 2” is being well-received by general public. As an editor of his work, I’m very pleased to learn about the current scales situation has been positive.
 About the dispute of moved ’n built theory, academism tends to fall on the established theory that has been passed on until now. Whereas amateurs, turning the established idea upside down is a joy for them. Therefore, one can not say that the amateurs are not really searching for the true.
 If amateurs can turn the academic theory upside down then over 90% of all historical books in the bookstores all over Japan are worthless.
 When does the dispute which comes out from the internet world to the outer Sumou ring (土俵) start ?

Historical sites are being investigated by Mr.Yoneda now.