AB&JC PRESS は米田良三氏の私家版の制作・出版を手がけるボランティア出版局としてスタートしました。古代史愛好家に人気のある本を今まで4冊も著していながら、新しい原稿が出版社に門前払いされ、第2~4作の増刷も断られる理由は、表向きは不況のせいということですが、極端な説を公にすれば、その成り行きによっては社の存亡にかかわるので引き受けられないものと思われます。もし、米田氏の説が主流となれば世界規模の大ヒットが予想されるのに残念なことです。


 AB&JC PRESS was started out as a volunteer publication office which deals with editing and publishing of Mr.Ryozo Yoneda's private work.
 Four of Mr.Yoneda's written work have been overwhelmingly received by ancient history readers. However, his recent work and additional reprint of volume 2 to volume 4 have been rejected by publishers for reason of depression in the printing industry asthey claimed.

 But, the truth of the matter is that publishers do not want to take the risk to jeopardize their business in printing some extreme opinion. Cause it may bring unpredictable consequence to the publishers.

 It's unfortunate and regret to say the least that if Mr.Yoneda's opinion became the main stream then a world wide smashing hit could have been expected.